Daisy Gao「失った、そして、見つけた」

この度soco1010では映像作家Daisy Gaoによる個展「失った、そして、見つけた」を開催いたします 。ぜひともご高覧ください。



Observing a caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly reminds me of my own changes growing up in different cultural environments. To become a butterfly, the caterpillar moults four times, each time undergoing an unexpected and seemingly painful change, eventually emerging as a beautiful butterfly. Yet, the butterfly’s life is fleeting, which brings a sense of sadness. Though the butterfly is light and unbounded, it also drifts, vulnerable to the world. I wonder, is the world through a butterfly’s eyes the same as the one I see?

日程|2024.9.13 [金]  – 2024.9.23 [月・祝](17日,18日,19日は休廊)
時間|11:00 – 21:00 
お問合せ|daisygaofilms@gmail.com(Daisy Gao)

生演奏付き上映:9.15 [日] ,22 [日]  20:00〜  チェロ: デイジー・ガオ
Screening with Live Music:September 15th & 22nd 8:00PM, Cello: Daisy Gao

Daisy Gao|デイジー・ガオ


2015 年 金陵高校河西キャンパス(中国・南京)
2018 年 映画研究、オペラ・ネットワーク・フィレンツェ(イタリア・フィレンツェ)
2019 年 シェリダン・カレッジ映画テレビ学科優等学士(カナダ・オークヴィル)

2021.11.19-11.21 トロント国際映画祭ネクスト・ウェーブ48 時間映画チャレンジ(カナダ・トロント)
2021.11.28 短編映画: Birthday TIFF Bell Lightbox 上映(カナダ・トロント)
2022.03.21-03.31 ドキュメンタリー: Inner Balance トロント短編映画祭オンライン上映
2022.06.26 ドキュメンタリー: Inner Balance Film.Ca Cinemas 上映 (カナダ・オークヴィル)
2022.07.14 個展: Endless Summer(カナダ・ミスビサ)
2023.05.08 短編映画: Duet Film.Ca Cinemas 上映(カナダ・オークヴィル)
2024.01.26 短編映画: Duet ファースト・オンタリオ・アート・センター上映(カナダ・ミルトン)
2024.01.24-02.04 短編映画: Duet ミルトン映画祭オンライン上映

2022.02 Inner Balance – 東京国際短編映画祭:最優秀映画音楽賞 
2023.09 Duet – ARFF アムステルダム国際映画賞:最優秀映画音声賞
2023.10 デュエット- フィレンツェ国際映画祭:最優秀短編映画音楽賞

Daisy Gao was born in 1999 in Nanjing, China. Moving frequently as a child, she developed a strong interest in connecting with her surroundings. She studied filmmaking in Italy and Canada, focusing on symbolic representations in Asian cinema, and created films about the unique connections between characters from different backgrounds. She let go of her past and embraced new perspectives, which helped her understand cultures and ideas beyond words, leading to the emergence of a new self. With the theme of ‘rebirth from conflict,’ she uses nonverbal expressions in her films to explore inner conflicts, emotions, and the challenges of growing up in a constantly changing cultural environment.

2015 Jinling High School Hexi Campus, Nanjing, China
2018 Film Studies, Opera Network Florence, Florence, Italy
2019 Honours Bachelor of Film and Television, Sheridan
College, Oakville, Canada

2021.11.19-11.21 Toronto International Film Festival Next
Wave 48-Hour Film Challenge, Toronto, Canada
2021.11.28 Short Film: Birthday. TIFF Bell Lightbox, Toronto,Canada
2022.03.21-03.31 Documentary: Inner Balance. Toronto Short Film Festival Online Screening
2022.06.26 Documentary: Inner Balance. Film.Ca Cinemas, Oakville, Canada
2022.07.14 Private Exhibition: The Endless Summer, Mississauga, Canada
2023.05.08 Short Film: Duet. Film.Ca Cinemas, Oakville, Canada
2024.01.26 Short Film: Duet. First Ontario Arts Centre Milton, Milton, Canada
2024.01.24-02.04 Short Film: Duet. Milton Film Festival Online Screening

2022.02 Inner Balance – Tokyo International Film Festival: Best Film Score, Japan
2023.09 Duet – ARFF Amsterdam International Awards: Best Film Score and Sound Design, Netherlands
2023.10 Duet – Florence International Film Festival: Best Score Film/Soundtrack – Short Film, Italy


主催|Daisy Gao
Special Thanks|Shuohan Yuan




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