ZENG Siqin “Outside of the Line”
soco1010では、現代美術家 曾斯琴(ソウ シキン)による自身初となる個展「線外」を開催いたします。曾斯琴は現在、東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科にて博士課程に在籍、工芸染織を研究しています。本展では、日本の伝統的な友禅染の技法を用いながら、位置によって変わる線のあちら側とこちら側のような二元論に基づく解釈の曖昧性をテーマに展開されます。
Artist’s Statement
“Outside of the Line” is not an accurate expression.
As we experience in life, when we stand on the left side of a line, the right side is outside of the line. But when we move to the right side, the left side of the line is ” Outside of the Line “. Therefore, “Outside of the Line” implies an indeterminate state of opposition that is subject to the position of the subject. Just like the works in this exhibition, the flower, which symbolizes goodness, and the virus, which symbolizes evil, co-exist in an ambiguous state which are opposite to each other yet unified at the same time. All our judgments depend on our standpoints and perspectives. If we try to change position, we will realize that there are no absolutes. Here, we may be able to have a new understanding of the world ” Outside of the Line “.
日程|2021.05.15 [土] – 2021.05.23 [日]
時間|14:00 – 20:00
休館|05.17 [月]、05.20 [木]
曾斯琴|ZENG Siqin
1996年、中国湖南省生まれ。現在は、東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科工芸染織専攻博士課程在籍。幼い頃より「絶対的正しさを求める」という価値観に影響され、善と悪、美と醜、秩序と自由、現実とロマンなどの社会におけるあらゆる対立した関係をテーマに制作している。日本の伝統的な友禅染の技法を通し、更に隠喩の手法を用いることで、花とウイルスの結びつきのような、対立した事物を表現し、矛盾した関係の中から見られることのなかった可能性を探ろうとしている。主な展覧会に、FROM LAUSANNE TO BEIJING’ 11th International Fiber Art Biennale(ONLINE、2020)、第 69 回東京藝術大学卒業・修了作品展 (東京、2021)などがある。
Born in Hunan Province, China in 1996, Zeng is currently studying in the doctor’s program, Textile Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. Tokyo University of the Arts. Influenced by her childhood values of “pursuing absolute rightness”, her works often reveal her concern and thoughts on the contradictory relationships in life, such as beauty and ugliness, good and evil, order and freedom, reality and romance, etc. Using the traditional Japanese Yuzen Dyeing technique, Zeng tries to seek an unseen possibility in the contradictory relationships by metaphorically expressing the synthesis of various opposites, such as the combination of flowers and viruses.
Joined exhibitions include FROM LAUSANNE TO BEIJING’ 11th International Fiber Art Biennale (Online, 2020), 65th Graduation Works Exhibitions, Tokyo University of the arts (Tokyo, 2021), etc.
“I view creation as a way to breathe, as if accompanied by some kind of delightful resistance to “rightness”. These works have become the small windows that I open for myself when I am running hard on the “right track”. They show me that I can stop here and look into the distance, or I can give up the stubbornness of right and wrong, and go out of these windows for a short while to embrace an imperfect but true self.”
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